Dale Burlison DeArmond

Sitka, Alaska

birth place: Bismark, North Datoka

(1914 - 2006)

August 2008

from a Private Collection

DeArmond print titled Skoookum Jim Rescues Frog

DeArmond print titled Skoookum Jim Rescues Frog

August 2008

from the Sweeney collection

DeArmond print titled Frog Womand Crying in the Night DeArmond print titled Raven's Feast

DeArmond prints titled Frog Woman Crying in the Night, 1/38, imp 1975 and Raven's Feast, 1/25, imp 1983

on the "Raven's Feast

Hand printed by the artist on an Ettan etching press at Juneau, Alaska

Nishinouchi, handmade Japanese paper - printing complted August 22, 1983

Artist's proofs 5

Presentation proofs 5

Artist's edition 25

Comment: Based on Aleutian Islad story. After three tries, Raven, whith the help of his

grandmother, found a wife who would put up with his peculiar ways. To celebrate the event

Raven went out and caught a lot of salmon and a whale and gave a great feast for the villiage.

July 2008

from the Sweeney collection

DeArmond print titled Eskimo Story Teller

DeArmond print titled Eskimo Story Teller, 42/100, imp 1987

"hand pulled by the artist on an Ettan etching press at Juneau, Alaska July 1987

Comment: Illustration for an Eskimo folk tale about a time when everything was dakr and the

men sat around in the kashim telling tales about the old days when there was a sun and a

moon in the sky was light

July 2008

from the Sweeney collection

DeArmond print titled Red Neck Grebe

DeArmond print titled Red Neck Grebe, 9/25, imp 1995

"Hand pulled by the artist from the original end gain maple block on an Ettan etching press at

Sitka, Alaska April 1995

Comment: A stout, heavy beaked bird. White Crescent at the throat and red breast feathers in

summer. Seen in Glacier Bay in June and July. Fron the series, BIRDS OF GLACIERS BAY"

July 2008

from the Sweeney collection

DeArmond print titled Berry Picker

DeArmond print titled Berry Picker, 43/100, imp 1986

June 2008

from the Sweeney collection

DeArmond print titled Juneau in 1880

DeArmond print titled Juneau in 1880

February 2008

from the Sweeney collection

DeArmond print titled Chief of Taku DeArmond print titled Haidu DeArmond print titled Havnak Chief
DeArmond print titled Old Totem Figure Chief with a Copper DeArmond print titled Old Totem Figure Sitting Man DeArmond print titled Tlinget Hunter
DeArmond print titled Tlinget Singing Woman

row 1 - DeArmond prints titled: Chief of Taku 53/100 1960, Haidu 54/100 1960, and Havnak Chief 68/100 1960

row 2 Old Totem Figure Chief with a Copper 25/100, 1961, Old Totem Figure Sitting Man 27/100 1961 & Tlinget Hunter 33/100 1961

row 3 - DeArmond prints titled: Tlinget Singing Woman 33/100 1961